Service Meetings
CPC/PI SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING - 1st Monday of each month @ 7:00 PM
CPC/PI - Cooperation with the Professional Community/Public Information
NOTE: Meeting being held on-line. Please contact the DCM or CPC/PI Chair to get the Zoom Link and Password.
GSR MEETING - Last Sunday of each month @ 10:00 AM
North Shore Alano Club, 176 East 2nd St, North Vancouver
GSR - General Service Representatives for the meetings in District 18
NO meeting held in December
NOTE: Meeting no longer on zoom. In person @ 10am last Sunday of every month at the Alano Club.
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Service Opportunities
For Volunteer Information, please visit: Convention Dates: July 3-6, 2025, Vancouver, British Columbia , Canada For General Convention Information, please visitAA Service opportunities at the District Level
Chaired by the DCM (District Committee Member) and attended by GSR’s (General Service Representatives) from the groups, the District Meeting provides a vital link between the groups in District 18 and Area 79 (BC and Yukon) of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Meetings are held the 4th Sunday of every month except for July and December at the North Shore Alano Club.
To help the District Meeting run smoothly the following positions are still unfilled for the 2023/2024 term.
If you have any question or would like any more information please contact the DCM or your group GSR.
If you know of anyone who might be interested in this level of service please pass on the information to them.
This is to help compile a record of how we handled, adjusted,enjoyed, or freaked out during this moment in history.
Stories that are submitted will be kept in the Archives.
Submissions can be sent to our Archives Chair, Pauline